Track conversions on contact and subscriber forms

The below code can be added to your page under "Settings" -> "Integrations" -> "Site-wide scripts (head)" in order to trigger when a contact form or subscribe form is submitted successfully. This can be used to track events, conversions, or trigger some other external tool or script.

To track events for a subscribe form:

<script> journoPortfolio.onSubscribeFormSuccess = function (block_id){ // your code here e.g. gtag('event', 'conversion', {})... } </script>

To track events for a contact form:

<script> journoPortfolio.onContactFormSuccess = function (block_id){ // your code here e.g. gtag('event', 'conversion', {})... } </script>

These will run on every form submission.

To only run code for a certain form you can check the block id. For example:

<script> journoPortfolio.onContactFormSuccess = function (block_id){ if(block_id == 20424){ // your code here e.g. gtag('event', 'conversion', {})... } } </script>

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